
# Week 2 Exercise

You are about to perform a small, simple exercise on our Academy Gitlab, to check you're paying attention! Before you try (opens new window), here is a summary of what you will be asked to do.

The final exam will have the same format, so this is a good way to acquaint yourself with the modus operandi.

# Preparation

We created a Docker container with the included Dockerfile:

Copy $ docker build . -t exercise-w2

Create this Docker image right now, before you start working on the exercise. It takes time and it makes a copy of the original files.

# What we set up

We created the rest of this repository with Ignite CLI v0.22.1 and the following command:

Copy $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd):/exercise -w /exercise \ exercise-w2 \ ignite scaffold chain

The idea is that this is the blockchain backing a future metaverse. The blockchain will account for anything of value in it.

We have added:

  • One file that duplicates what accessing the storage looks like: x/otherworld/keeper/world_params_duplicate.go.

  • And 2 test files:

    • x/otherworld/types/world_params_student_test.go
    • x/otherworld/keeper/world_params_student_test.go

All 3 files cannot compile until you have completed the following tasks.

# What you need to do

You need to run an Ignite command to create a new Protobuf type and its associated keeper functions. It must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. The name is WorldParams.
  2. It has 3 params exactly, no more, no less:
    1. A string for the world's name.
    2. A uint for the world's gravity.
    3. A uint for the world's landSupply.
  3. It is unique in the blockchain store. It does not matter what key it is stored at, but you should keep the naming conventions of keeper functions chosen by Ignite.
  4. It should not have any associated messages.

# Definition of success

The following tests must pass:

  • x/otherworld/types/world_params_student_test.go: It needs to pass with:

    Copy $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd):/exercise -w /exercise \ exercise-w2 \ go test


    Copy $ go test
  • x/otherworld/keeper/world_params_student_test.go: It needs to pass with:

    Copy $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd):/exercise -w /exercise \ exercise-w2 \ go test


    Copy $ go test

To run them both at the same time, run:

Copy $ docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd):/exercise -w /exercise \ exercise-w2 /exercise/


Copy $ ./

This returns a score that reads like:

Copy FS_SCORE:100%

# Read-only files

In fileconfig.yml we have defined a list of read-only files. They are not technically read-only, but we will overwrite your changes if you modify them.

# CI Environment

There is a CI environment on the Academy Gitlab server. Every time you push to your repository, it will run and score your work.

The script that our CI runs is You will notice that it overwrites the read-only files with their original ones. So if the CI gives you a score different from the one you have on your machine, you may have made changes to read-only files.

The score that appears on Gitlab's CI is the correct one.

# When you are ready

Please push your exercise solution to the Week 2 Exercise repo (opens new window).

We recommend you attempt the exercise as soon as you finish the week's material, or ideally before Thursday, November 16th, 11:59pm UTC.

Do not worry if you do not pass the exercise: it is simply meant to be an opportunity to practice and demonstrate your engagement with the program.